I felt very much bad about myself that I am unable to kill some time.
There is no big background for this. Well, we (me, nagaraju K.LV) came for a over night programming competition in FOSS. This starts at 9'o clock in the night and ends at 9'o clock in the morning. we came to the venue (software lab) at 9'o clock. But contest was postponed to 10'o clock becoz of a talk.
ohh god, i went back to my lab to kill 1 hour. Luckly i got orkut, so i killed one hour easily.
We came back to software lab at 10'o clock. I asked the coordinators about the competition. They told that the talk was not yet over. so we had to kill some more time.
Finally prilims started at 10:30pm. 12 basic C question, 2 per team, i think hardly we need 20 minutes to complete that prilims paper. We did it in 20 minutes. Then we saw many ppl still breaking their heads on this prilims. So, we verified our answers twice. Then i handed over my paper to the coordinator. He told me to wait for some time, till the other participants completes it.
Ohhhh god, i need to kill some more time till others complete it. My friend came to software lab(directly after the talk). Along with him, some other ppl came and started writing the prilims. So, waiting time had been increased by another 1/2 hr. Ohh god, i thought of breaking my head on the table.
Any way i have to kill time till others finish it. So, i took a problem given by Suresh Kodati during the workshop. He told us to find the problem in one 'c' code. I started applying pressure on my poor brain to solve that. fortunately i have nagaraju as my team mate. He started analyzing the program. as a part of understanding we googled the man pages of some functions used in the program. Luckily we killed some time with that code.
at 12:00am they gave one program on insertion sort with logical errors and told us to solve. We tried that. Nagaraju and me finally trace out where is the actual problem. fixed it. God its too early (we completed at 12:30). I saw the compititors. Few teams completed that progrma. Most of the ppl are breaking heads.
Ohh god, i have to kill some more time. Really this time i am exausted. Nagaraju started sleeping. I strted killing time by google man pages. Nagaraju was unable to sleep. so started cracking some jokes. I too started cracking jokes.
Nagaraju took a paper and told me that he wants to draw a picture. I told him to draw something good. He told that "I will draw a mouse". Ohh No, he placed the mouse on paper and started tracing the mouse ends with the pen. As soon as i shake my head, he draw the mouse and added some buttons with the correct dimensions. Not bad, he is a good painter... lolz.....
Ohh god, again we have to kill some more time. Its 1'o clock now.
Still ppl are making us to wait. I asked one coordinator and he told "This is a overnight programming contest, dont worry about the time, we have plenty of time". lolz, i am unable to kill time and this guy is saying that i have to kill some more tme even after that. God, give me some patience and put me into some thing that kills my time.
It was 1:05, still there is no sign of next program.
Thank god, they gave us 8 questions at 1:30. I was thinking that they will give us 1 by one Q. But thanks to the orgaizers, actually they do not. Questions were nice. we completed those by 5'o clock in the morning. Answered all the questions. Hope all the things are correct. It took a big time but we dont up to our best.
The funny fact is that, i thought of killing the time, and after working on the program given by suresh, i was unable to continue. So, i started writing this post. and i continued this whenever i get some time, clearly saying whenever i have to kill some time, i added some thing to this post.
My small advice is, If u ever conduct a compitition, please please dont make the participants to wait for a long time. Give them a couple of questions or all the questions in single shot. And tell them to work on that. God, its really hard to kill time.